Using Metatrader expert advisors
is simple, but sometimes people get confused with it and after
downloading a file with the expert advisor a user might get stuck with
it without knowing what to do next. This a simple tutorial on how to
attach an expert advisor to Metatrader 4 char and activate it.
1. Download your MT4 expert advisor or copy it and save it to your Metatrader’s ‘experts’ folder:
2. Double click it with your
mouse and it will be opened in MQL editor (this editor comes with MT4).
There will be a button ‘Compile’ at the center top of the window. Click
it and your expert advisor will be compiled and ready to use. There
might be some errors or warnings during the compilation, but in most
cases there shouldn’t be any. You can try and fix those errors, but it
takes time and some programming skills, usually.
3. Now, all you need to do is
add your expert advisor to the preferred chart and activate it. You can
also change some input parameters for the advisor in the Inputs tab:
That’s it! Now you can enjoy
your expert advisor - its signals or its trading (if it is designed to
perform trading). Good luck with them!